Wednesday, April 21, 2010

First Foster/Adopt PRIDE Class

I was not excited about going to our Foster/Adopt class. We have been told that it is geared toward foster parents and you are not going to get much out of it, just go thru the motions because you have to take it. Well, last night was our first class and it was not so bad. But I have to keep telling myself it was the first class. When the teachers are talking, they are talking more towards the foster parents, but I think that it will still be useful to us as we go thru our time as parents to a child we adopted. There will be a time when they realize the loss they have suffered by losing their birthparents and it will be important for us to consider those feelings as important and deal with them. I think we will get a lot out of this class.

When they started last night, they passed out the books I thought "This is not going to be so bad, nine classes out of this 2 in book, this is going to be a breeze." Well then they proceeded to tell us that that was book 1 of 3. I was afraid to look at Mike because I thought he was going to give me the "What did you get me into look" but I also wanted to make sure he had run out of the room on me too. But he was still there and even had a smile on his face. We watched a 30 min video. I must say that it provided a lot entertainment. It was an outdated 80's flick with cheesy actors, speckeled stone washed jeans and the newest technology, the Polorid camera. It was a laugh, but the principle behind it was good. We then got the homework for our session. Turns out it is not going to be as bad as we though. For the most part its just circle the answers no writing which Mike will love. We got all of the homework for the next 9 weeks last night so I hope I don't lose it!!!! All in all the teachers were good and kept things going at a nice pace. That will make the classes a little easier to bare.

Mike did get a little worried when they were talking about all the calls we would be getting from DCFS to place a child. I had to remind him that we are not working with DCFS, we are working with Catholic Charities and they knew were were adopt only and would not be calling with Foster children requests. I could see the relief in his eyes. He told me I couldn't foster a child and then have to let them go back. I couldn't even let someone else take my puppies puppies. That is after all why we have 3 dogs. He is right, that is just not what I am cut out for.

Tomorrow is the big day, our first in home meeting with our case worker. She has been in touch with me today, but I still really have no idea what she is coming to "look" for. She did say she would want a tour of the house, but that's all I know. We are scheduled to meet with her for an hour and a half so I assume it's more than a home tour. Keep praying for us. I am starting to get a little stressed over the whole thing and I am ready for us to have our baby and be done. We will keep you updated.

1 comment:

  1. You both are in my thoughts and prayers always everyday!!!!!!!!! Love you both very much and you will do great tomorrow you have nothing to worry about.

    Love ya
