We had a big weekend full of events. I was dreading how Allison was going to do with them, but she did GREAT! We had friends come home from Florida so Thursday night we went to Virden and ate at DiCarlos. Alli is a very schedule oriented girl (probably because her mama is too!!!) and she normally takes a bath at 7 and is in bed at 7:30. We weren't going to meet at DiCarlo's until 7 and I was sure Allison was going to be awful! But she did great. Friday night we had a graduation party and didn't start until 7 again. Allison was pretty good at the graduation, but she did get pretty fussy towards the end. At one point Mike was holding Allison and I had just gotten done telling him to make sure he was holding on to his cup tight because Allison was going to get it. The next thing I know, Allison hits my cup and spills it all over me, all over the floor, and on the poor woman across from me's feet. How embarrassing. Then I am going to get a towel to wipe up the floor looking like I peed my pants. Oh well, just the first of many moments like that I am sure. Saturday was a pretty uneventful day for us, but we made sure to spend some time outside. Allison got to try out her new wagon and I think she liked it.
Sunday was a BIG day for Allison. We went to our friend Brenda's house for a party for George and Sandy, our friends from Florida and She got to get in a pool for the first time. She loves the water in her bath so I was hoping she would like the pool. And boy did she. She doesn't even mind getting splashed with water and she loves to do a lot of splashing herself. Of course I didn't get any pictures of her in the water because I was in the water with her and Daddy doesn't take good pictures (plus the camera was in the van). I think our friend Tonya got some so there are at least pictures around to prove she was in the pool. She did really good until about 7 and she was tired so we went home. But a good time was had by all. It was good to see Sandy and George. Allison really took to both of them.

Monday, we got to spend with family. My sister and her family were over so Mom and Dad had lunch. Allison and Mike went to his Aunt Darla's and had lunch. It was a nice relaxing day before heading back into the work week.
Tuesday I ended up taking Alli to the doctor because she was pulling on her ears and sure enough, we have our 3rd ear infection. The doctor was out so we saw the nurse practitioner. She told us to be prepared to be sent to and Ear, Nose, and Throat doctor when we go back next Thursday for a recheck. Alli does not like taking her meds, but seems to be doing better so hopefully she is getting enough of them down. She hasn't been eating well either and the nurse said it was probably because of all the fluid on her ears so she advised us that we needed to break her feedings down and feed her in between so she was getting enough formula. Hopefully she gets rid of this ear infection quickly and if we have to get tubes, so be it. If it's what's best for Allison, then we will do it. It will be way harder on me than her I think, but I don't want her to have hearing problems or anything else as a result.
Alli did great for having such a busy weekend and proved to me that we CAN go out in public and it be okay even if I think it's going to be too much work. She is just amazing.